As you grow brassicas you become more familiar with their growth cycles and peek harvest times. Here are some tips for growing, harvest and storage we learned from farming these crops commercially.
If you gathered up all the spiders in the world and placed them onto one gigantic scale, they would weigh more than 25 million tons. To put that into perspective, that’s more than five million average sized elephants or 478 Titanics. Wow.
After so many requests for this recipe, we wanted to share how taking kitchen scraps like banana peels, eggshells, coffee grounds and onion skins can quickly turn into a compost tea or blend up a compost smoothie to feed your garden soil. Please note that these four ingredients are common foods our family uses weekly, so if you don’t drink coffee or are vegan and don’t eat eggs, no problem! Just use what you have. For instance, replace coffee with tea leaves and garlic skins with onions to get similar benefits from your food scraps!