Growing your plant collection by propagating in soil is, without a doubt, the optimal way to grow your houseplant for the sake of the plant. However, unless you are more of a helicopter plant parent, it may not be the best fit for you. That's why we decided to begin our propagation series with our previous blog post 5 Tips for Plant Propagation: Water. Water propagation is a more visual friendly way to kick off the process of rooting your plant cuttings and we suggest it for newer plant parents just to familiarize yourself with the growing process. That said, when propagating...
Want to grow more plants? There are many ways to propagate plant cuttings and grow your green family!
In this post we will share our best methods for water propagation. Let's dive in friends!
Plant parenthood is easier when you have the right tools plus guidance from those of us with many years of hands on experience for keeping plants healthy and pest free. Here's how we do it.