
Sacred Elements

Treat Spider Mites, Naturally!

Treat Spider Mites, Naturally!

If you discover the telltale signs of spider mites on your plants: tiny webbing, pale color leaves, tiny yellow spots, or miniature spider like critters hiking around the foliage of your plant babies, take a deep breath, exhale, it's going to be ok, we got you! Let's begin by learning what spider mites love most, chlorophyll and an overabundance of nitrogen.

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Sacred Elements
4 Steps To Heal Houseplants From Thrips

4 Steps To Heal Houseplants From Thrips

Thrips! We are here to help save your plant. Let’s just jump right in. Thrips are the most persistent and annoying houseplant pest I’ve dealt with in my many years of plant parenthood. Yes, even more annoying than those darn fungus gnats that fly right into your face.   

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Sacred Elements
Glowing Pink Princess Philodendron is fully recovered from scale

How to save your plants from scale infestation

Find scale on your plant? Have you noticed your plant looking unhealthy with dappled, spotted or misshapen leaves that just look like they are struggling? Take a closer look, do you spot any white, tan or brown armored shaped bugs clustered together? You may also notice sticky, clear droplets of 'honeydew' on the leaves around the clusters of bugs. Chances are you discovered a scale infestation. These little insects do a fair amount of damage to otherwise healthy looking plants and work fairly quickly too. But don't worry, you are in the right place, we got you and your plant! ...

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