"I just received your mini gift set so I could try your tonics and I was dying to get your book! I absolutely love the guidebook and read the whole thing the first day I got it. 😍 what I love most is that you provide ways for people to go out and connect with nature. —Madeline M.
Everyday life doesn’t have to be so fast paced and disconnected. In an age when our link to eachother and the world around us is increasingly through a screen, Sacred Elements Guidebook is a welcome reprieve. A manual that will lead you to connect with the natural world, and encourage you to make it a daily ritual.
You’ll find Karina’s signature plant life imagery, sensory guided experiences and meditations, plant care tips, step by step guidance to create your own sacred space, and ways to live more sustainably.
Sacred Elements Guidebook is sized to fit in your back pocket, purse, or fanny pack. Bring it with you as a travel companion; something to reach for when you would normally grab your phone.
"I am SO SO SO happy I have this beautiful book tucked into my day bag! I already read it through and it makes me so happy every time I think about it!"
- Anastasia P.
"Karina's soul-nourishing practice is not a religion, but I can attest it has enriched and deepened my own faith."
- Debra Lee Baldwin
"Love love love the guidebook. I'm taking my time to read and appreciate each picture and page. So nice! Can't wait to share it with my family and friends."
- Lori W.
"Hi Karina! I just finished your "Sacred Elements Guidebook" and you wrote that you wanted people to reach out and message you after reading it.
I couldn't put it down, I know it's a smaller book but I had to read it back to front and I'm going to keep it in my purse. Your small guided imagery was wonderful and I could see many natural places in my mind's eye when reading it, reliving memories so precious to me.
Recently my love for house plants has grown exponentially and I just feel like I need to have more in my life, and after reading your guidebook it seems to make more sense to me now. Originally I bought it because I thought it was going to be a guide to helping me keep my house plants alive, but what I got was something that I needed so much more."
- Danielle, A Witch Alone
*20% of the proceeds of every Sacred Elements Guidebook sold will go to organizations that support small, independent farmers and educate children to grow their own food.