Home & Garden — All Natural Pest Control

Sacred Elements
Scents that repel mosquitos, flies and unwanted insects, naturally

Scents that repel mosquitos, flies and unwanted insects, naturally

Many of us know lightning a citronella candle helps keep mosquitos at bay on a warm summer evenings, but did you know there are other aromatic plants that repel mosquitos, gnats, no-see-ums (which incidentally is the most appropriately named bug of all time) and other pesky bugs? Peppermint, rosemary, and lavender we think of as 'grandparent herbs'. Our wise elders. These medicinal herbs can be grown in most climates and are gentle at keeping unwanted insects away during those lovely summer months when we finally get outside to soak up nature!

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Sacred Elements
Spiders: Nature's natural pest care

Spiders: Nature's natural pest care

If you gathered up all the spiders in the world and placed them onto one gigantic scale, they would weigh more than 25 million tons. To put that into perspective, that’s more than five million average sized elephants or 478 Titanics. Wow.

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