Home & Garden

Karina Aldredge
5 Benefits to Cleaning Your Houseplants

5 Benefits to Cleaning Your Houseplants

Here are five reasons that regular leaf cleaning benefits your plants, especially those big tropical types like alocasia, philodendron, bird of paradise, monstera, and anthurium. We recommend mixing up a batch of Sacred Leaf Tonic and enjoying the experience of giving your plants a gentle misting, or a Sacred Leaf Shower once a week for maintenance. For pest care we recommend 3x a week for the first week, 2x a week for the second and weekly maintenance. For leaf cleaning, we recommend once a season for a thorough reset!

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Karina Aldredge
4 Alternatives to a Traditional Christmas Tree

4 Alternatives to a Traditional Christmas Tree

Ever consider a zero waste alternative to bringing home a cut tree? We have ideas that lean in a more sustainable direction while keeping the spirit of the season alive while being kind to the planet too! Here are some zero waste alternatives to consider this season:

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Sacred Elements
25+ Pet-Safe Houseplants

25+ Pet-Safe Houseplants

Did you know many houseplants are considered toxic to cats and dogs if ingested? We're here to help alleviate that stress! From orchids to Venus fly traps, palms to ferns, we've assembled a detailed list of favorites to choose from if your fur baby just won't leave those leaves alone!

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Karina Aldredge
Comfrey, Yarrow and Nettle for your Houseplants and Garden

Comfrey, Yarrow and Nettle for your Houseplants and Garden

If you follow along with us at Sacred Elements, our mission is to create environments to support well-being for plants, planet, pets, and people by choosing 100% food-grade, ethically sourced ingredients that work in harmony with nature. That is why our Plant Care Tonics include comfrey, yarrow and nettle, three key ingredients with something else in common Comfrey, yarrow, and nettle are all nitrogen fixing plants. Nitrogen gas is present in our atmosphere helps plants to grow but absorption of nitrogen is something only a handful of plants are able to accomplish. Nitrogen fixing plants have a symbiotic relationship with...

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