Did you know many houseplants are considered toxic to cats and dogs if ingested? We're here to help alleviate that stress!
From orchids to Venus fly traps, palms to ferns, we've assembled a detailed list of favorites to choose from if your fur baby just won't leave those leaves alone!
Last year, while stopping to admire a sidewalk patch of zinnia in full bloom our chihuahua did something most unexpected, he started tugging at the leaves, chomping away, happily going back for one nibble after another. Thankfully, as I learned after a quick google search, zinnia are perfectly edible for humans and dogs but it got me thinking about the subject that's for sure!
After pulling our resources, we've put together a list of houseplants that we consider to be great choices for both safety and easy care (especially when using our Plant Care Tonics to feed and shower them). And yes, marimo are on the list for pet safe too! Marimo water is the favorite watering bowl in fact for our cats too!
Here are our favorite houseplants for both ease of care and are considered pet safe, in alphabetical order:
- Air plants
- African Violets
- Bromeliad
- Calathea
- Cast Iron aka Aspidistra
- Ceropegia Woodii aka String of Hearts
- Echeveria
- Ferns
- Fish Bone Cactus aka Zigzag Cactus
- Fittonia aka Nerve Plant
- Haworthia
- Herbs: basil, sage, lavender, thyme, peppermint, and rosemary
- Hoya
- Lipstick
- Marimo
- Mimosa Pudica aka Sensitive Plant
- Maranta aka Prayer Plant
- Money Tree
- Orchids
- Olive
- Palms: Ponytail, Parlor, Date, Cat, Areca
- Peperomia: Watermelon, Baby Rubber, Marble
- Pilea: Chinese Money, Silver Tree, Button Fern
- Pitcher Plants
- Sedum Morganium (Burro's and Donkey Tail)
- Spider
- Staghorn Fern
- Sundew
- Venus Fly Trap
Have a cat that likes to chew leaves? Try growing catnip as a distraction! In the garden we grow trap plants like marigolds and nasturtium that lure pests like aphids away from our edible crops, same idea here! Adding plants that captivate the interest of your furry babies helps keep them away from your other plants.
Below is a list of common houseplants to avoid if you have a cat or dog who likes to snack on leaves. Funny enough, Groot hasn't attempted to nibble on houseplants which is why he sleeps surrounded by foliage most days!
Plants that can be toxic to pets if ingested in alphabetical order:
- Aloe Vera
- Alocasia
- Anthurium
- Begonia
- Bird of Paradise
- Euphorbia
- Ficus aka Rubber Plant
- Jade
- Kalanchoe
- Lily (all types)
- Monstera Deliciosa
- Poinsettia
- Pothos (Scindapsus)
- Snake Plant
- Sago Palm
- Spathiphyllum aka Peace Lily
- Syngonium aka Arrowhead
- Tradescantia
- ZZ Plant
Again, not all fur babies are plant eaters and some, like our chihuahua will try it once, learn their lesson with a tummy ache, and never do it again! (that's why we are able to keep monstera, alocasia, jade, anthurium, begonia and so many other plants that are considered toxic in our home).
Choosing which houseplants can happily coexist with your pets is a personal choice and depends on the type of fur baby and next time you are plant shopping you can choose with peace of mind!
Happy growing,
Karina and Team SE